Our Galip Nut range
Available in
60g & 100g packs
Available in
60g & 100g packs
Available in
100g & 1 kilo packs
Try some today! Galip nuts are now available in stores!
Click here to find your local stockists of PNG’s first home grown nut brand.
Creating local opportunity and empowering communities
Our mission is to develop economic opportunities for rural communities by testing consumer demand of Galip as a new tree nut crop for Papua New Guinea (PNG).

What is the galip nut?

The Galip nut has a milky smooth flavour when raw and takes on an entirely new identity when dried and roasted, it is nutty, yet crisp, with an easy crunch that melts in the mouth. Delicious wild-harvested & nutrient-rich makes Galip the new “super-nut” proudly created in PNG.

Latest news on Galip Nut projects

Galip nuts now available in supermarkets!
Ahead of the official launch on Thursday, July 26, packaged galip nuts are now in stores and on shelves! Shoppers at the Stop n Shop, Harbourside were today treated with the opportunity to taste and purchase this fantastic new product. Hand picked and hand...

Historic First Shipment Leaves Rabaul Airport
A huge milestone achievement was reached as the first shipment of the Galip Nut departed from the Rabaul Airport. This landmark event marks a culmination of many years research and development of the Canarium indicum nut (galip nut). Hopefully, this...

Galip nut a global opportunity for Papua New Guinea agriculture
The global opportunities that await PNG if the development of the Galip Nut succeeds were recently discussed in the Business Advantage PNG.

A new Nut on the block
Find out what the University of Adelaide is saying about the launch of the Galip Nut in Papua New Guinea!
A developing story
Join our mailing list to receive the latest Galip Nut news, along with information on the project progress.
Project Partners
The commercialisation of this indigenous nut has been the result of an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded project titled ‘Enhancing value added products and environmental benefits from agroforestry systems in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific. The Galip Nut Company is a joint research development between the National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), the University of the Sunshine Coast, the University of Adelaide and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded by the people of Australia.